Friday, 5 October 2012

Conversation about Prelimiary Task

In this video me and my group where talking about what we were going to do in are prelimiary task and what shoots we were going use in are video. There was a bit of  debate of what we were going to do because as a group we had many ideas, some of the ideas that we have were very original and different but most of the ideas that we had were very complicated for us to act out and because of this we did have a little bit of arguing. but in the end we decide that we wanted to keep it simple and we wanted to add the following into are video:

  • 180 degree rule

  • a shot reverse shot

  • match on action 

So in the end we had diecide that we was going to have one of the group members walk in and then they start to have a conversation with another member of the group who has an problem that they like to talk about it. When we was talking about where we should film we decide that we should keep the filming indoors becuase we didnt want the weather to be a problem for us but the other reason that we wanted to keep it indoors was becuase we wanted to make sure that the audience could hear the conversation that we was having, so in the end we chose a room which was isolated and also no one else was around when we was going to be filming. 

these are the names of the people in the video and what they were doing

Ashleigh Fearne(me)- filming

Laura Wynne- on the left handside

Jessica Seaney- In the centre

Rebecca Rahman- on the right handside