Saturday, 8 December 2012

Researching Openings

Today as a group we decide that we was going to look at a range of film openings and research what goes into them. We decided that we had to focus our attention mainly on our genre but we decide to also look at films from different genres and compare the openings, we look at a range of different openings and decide on what opening that we liked better and why we like them. The reason why we did this was because then we can base our own ideas on what we have seen and also how will our own ideas compare to the movies that are on the market today.

When we was deciding on what type of genre that we wanted to base our opening off on of our members of the group decide that if we done a horror or thriller would be the best option for us to choice one because the target audience would be easier to talk to because we are surrounded by people of that age and also it would give use a chance to show off our skills and also to widen our skills. Another factor of why we choose to do a thriller is because the opening of these are really tense and they  build up this atmosphere that makes the audience sit on the edge of their seats and with psychology thrillers they get you to think about whats happen and that's what we wanted for our audience to do. Another member of our group wanted to do something much more easier like a rom-com the reason why she wanted to do this was because of the atmosphere that it creates with the music, with the music being happy and lively something that you just want to sing along with. Also the openings are much more happy and when you are watching them it makes you happy and it makes you want to watch the rest.

The openings that we decided to look at where:

  • Monsters inc. ( Animation)

  • Paranormal activity 2 ( Horror )

  • Sinister ( psychological Thriller )

  • Hitch ( Romantic comedy )

We watch the first two minutes of each film and then talked about the opening comparing it to each other and saying what was different in each film and also what we liked about the opening, we also look at what film institutions each of the films were by the reason why we did this was because we wanted to find a film institution that focused on our type of genre. The parts we were focusing on was what type of music has been used, what type of text and how does that appear to the audience and what shots were they using like shot reverse shot, over the shoulder and close ups.

When we was looking at the types of fonts they were using we noticed that they always made it easy for the audience to read and they made it stand out from the background that it has been placed on, also they font type they used it is always simply and is not bold or scroll writing. After looking at the fonts we started to research what type of fonts are used in Psychological Thrillers and how they are presented to the audience that is watching the movie, when looking at more films from this genre we started to noticed they use alot of Gothic type of writing and the font always stands out from the background and it not to big that it draws your attention away from the movie.

 Most of the movies started with either a close up shoot of someones face or s conversation between two people and sometimes there is a establishing shot right at the beginning, when they start the movie off with two people talking they don't usually have the actors names coming up the reason why they do this is because if they start the movie with a conversation and whatever they are saying must be important and they want you to remember what they are saying because it might be revalent further along in the film. They mostly use establishing shots mainly when they are putting the titles up , this is because they want a simply background and also they don't to put the audience off from paying attention to what is happening. All of the openings that we looked at where all different from one another and from this we as a group had a lot of talking about what we should do for our opening some people thought we should start of with two people talking and others thought we should focus on one of the main characters. One of the movies we look at which was Monster INC started of different from the other three theirs started with clip art and animation the reason why this is because their target audience is children and families they want to catch the audiences attention from the very start and keep them hooked the whole way through.

After looking at the different film openings we decide that what bits we was going to use for our own opening these were:

  • The institution we was going to use we decided on either paramount pictures and universal studios we couldn't decide on which one so we went into further research to see which ones did the film genre that we had chose.

  • What font we was going to use for the headings and titles

  • The types of shots we were going to use

  • And the type ofmusic we should use for the opening

From watching these opening we have found out alot more about what they put in a opening and it has help us with some descions we couldn't make on our own.




By watching these film openings we have realised what conventions were needed for the opening. This meant we had to focus on more precise things in order for our opening to not look tacky and for it to suit our target audience.

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